VRchat Drawings (2025)

VRchat is a place where individuals have created unique worlds, sometimes realistic, sometimes abstract, sometimes very simple, where avatars (your chosen persona/costume) may visit, wearing the VR goggles. These worlds can contain interactive simple drawing materials. So, I explore these places as a photographer (see VRchat Photos) and when drawing materials are available, I'll quickly scribble out a wall drawing similar to what I do in real space (see Murals/Large Drawings & VR Paintings (2025)). Before I leave a space, I document my wall drawing with stills and video. Though I look for empty rooms, sometimes other avatars will pop into the room, which usually sends me running. I should note that once I exit the room, the art piece disappears. I pretty much despise real world graffiti, but my work does come from that branch of the creative tree, mostly because of my scale, speed, love of line and improvisational approach. I love the fact that my "graffiti" disappears and that I can try my style in an infinite number of settings. Below are examples of recent attempts. Enjoy.


"Unknown" (02.09.25)

"Rainy Wharf" #78200 (02.05.25)   

"Room 29" (02.05.25)   

"Unknown" (01.06.25) 

"Unknown" (01.06.25) 

"Unknown" (01.07.25) 

"A Rainy Dream" (01.07.25)

"Snow and Streetlight" (01.07.25)

"Unknown" (01.07.25)

"The Attic Space" (01.11.25)

"Unknown" (01.16.25)

"Liminal Comfort" (02.03.25)